This Full Issue (Vol 2 No. 4 - October 2019)


This Issue (Vol 2 No. 4 – October 2019) is The Eightieth   Issue of The Journal. This Issue has (11) Articals :  The development of digital intelligence DQ our children one of the requirements of life in the digital age. By Dr. Gamal Ali El-Dahshan, Professor of “Foundation of Education", and Former Dean of College of Education, Menoufia University, Egypt.Science education and development of the aesthetic component, By Prof. Dr. Nahed Abdul Radi Nobi Mohamed, Professor of Curricula & Instruction, Faculty of Education, Minia University, Egypt.Future Vision for Developing Education in Egypt, By Prof.Dr. Fayza Ahmed Alhussini Megahed, Professor of History Education, Women's College, Ain Shams University. Egypt.Journal Article Reporting Standards in the light of American Psychological Association Style. By Prof. Dr. Hisham Barakat Hussein, Professor of Mathematics Education, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Cultural Diversity Values Embedded in Children’s Literature. By Dr.  Shatha Al-Ajeely, Professor of Educational Psychology Faculty of Educational Sciences, Amman Arab University, Jordan. And Dr Fatmeh Jafar, Lecturer of Teaching English Methods Center of Training English Language, Jordan. Using asynchronous group discussions on the web to develop research ethic values ??and research skills in industrial education (advanced) for PhD students at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Its impact on their attitudes toward learning via the web. By Dr. Zarrouk, Sayed Mohammad, Associate Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Industrial Education, Faculty of Education, Helwan University.Difficulties in learning Arabic for non - native speakers Islamic University in Medina. By Dr. Khaled M. Elnaggar, Assistant professor of Curriculum and instruction, Preparatory Year for Scientific, Islamic University of Madinah College, Saudi Arabia.Inclusion Level of Science Fiction Dimensions in Physics (2) Textbook for Secondary Stage in Saudi Arabia. By Ameena S. Alrehaily, Doctoral Student, Curriculum & Instructions Dept. College of Education, King Saud University, and Jabber M. Aljabber, Professor, Science Education, College of Education, King Saud University.Methodological Approaches to Research of General Curricula and Instruction in the Master's and PhD Thesis at King Khalid University. By Ms. Meznah Mdeshl Al Hareth, PhD Student, Curriculum and instruction Department, College of Education, King Khaled University, Saudi Arabia, and Prof.Dr Zafer Farraj Alshehri, Professor of Mathematics Education, Curriculum and instruction Department, College of Education, King Khaled University, Saudi Arabia.Evaluation study for the Teaching performance of Faculty members of Educational Media Departments from view point of departments heads and students. By Dr. Ibrahiem, Heba Gouda, Lecturer of foundation of educational media, Faculty of Specific education, Cairo University. Cross-time Item bias approaches Comparison of TIMSS test among Egyptian environment. By Mahmoud Ali Mousa Mehanna, Lecturer of Educational psychology, College of Education, Suez Canal university, Egypt.

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