Spontaneous Uterine Rupture due to Placenta Percreta in Second Trimester of Pregnancy: A Case Report


Spontaneous uterine rupture due to placenta percreta in the second trimester is extremely rare and difficult to manage. A 26-year old pregnant woman at 27 gestational weeks with a history of two previous cesarean sections admitted to our center because of abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. Ultrasound examination revealed placenta previa with moderate amount of intraperitoneal fluid. The border between myometrium and placenta was not differentiated. Paracentesis under ultrasound guidance showed bloody fluid. On emergency laparotomy, there was 1500 ml of blood in the peritoneal cavity and placenta was protruding through a bleeding full thickness uterine defect. Hemorrhage was controlled by transfusion of blood products and conservative surgery. The patient was discharged on the 3th day after surgery without complications. Placenta percreta induced spontaneous uterine rupture should be taken into consideration in pregnant women who have abdominal pain and intraperitoneal fluid

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Inducción del parto. Induced deliveryInducción del parto. Induced deliveryDesde el punto de vista conceptual, la inducción del parto consiste en desencadenar los fenómenos fisiológicos del mismo después de las 20 semanas de gestación, tratando de reproducir lo más fielmente el parto normal y espontáneo. Con el objetivo de contribuir al mayor conocimiento del comportamiento de la inducción en nuestro medio y con ello elevar la preparación del personal de enfermería acerca del tema se realizó una investigación retrospectiva, transversal y analítica en los Servicios Gineco-Obstétricos del Hospital Universitario Abel Santamaría en el trimestre junio-agosto 2001. El universo estuvo constituido por la totalidad de los nacimientos del periodo (n=818) el grupo estudio, por todas las pacientes que se les indujo el parto (n=131) en este trimestre y el grupo control por los dos nacimientos siguientes al de cada una de las pacientes que se indujo, excluyendo las cesáreas anteriores. Se estudiaron variables maternas y perinatales tales como: causa de inducción, tiempo para alcanzar dinámica uterina efectiva, paridad, modo de nacimiento y características del liquido amniótico. Los resultados obtenidos se agruparon en cuadros utilizándose el paquete analítico MICROSTA del cual fue escogida su opción (X) con un nivel de significación de 0.05 y 0.005 así como el método porcentual. Se evaluó la incidencia de inducción y la media por mes; la rotura prematura de membranas, embarazo prolongado y el oligoamnios fueron las principales causas de la inducción, con un índice de cesárea primitiva elevado observando que en las secundíparas y multíparas todos los nacimientos fueron por vía transpelviana. Existiendo significación estadística entre el parto inducido y la cesárea. DeCS: ATENCIÓN DE ENFERMERÍA, EMBARAZO PROLONGADO/complicaciones, LÍQUIDO AMNIÓTICO/complicaciones, ROTURA PREMATURA DE MEMBRANAS FETALES/complicaciones, TRABAJO DE PARTO INDUCIDO. ABSTRACT Induction of labour, from conceptual viewpoint consists in to burt the physiological fenomena of labour after 20 weeks of gestation, trying to reproduce normal and spontaneous labour as faithful as possible. In order to contribute at the highest level of knowledge on the behaviour of induction in our environment and to rise the training level of nursing care personnel about this topic a retrospective, cross sectional and analytic research was carried out in the Gyneco-Obstetrics Service at Abel Santamaría General Hospital between June-August 2001.the sample consisted of the total of births during the studied period (n = 818), according to all the patients with labour induction (n = 131) in this trimester and the control group with two births after each induced patient, excluding the former cesarean sections. Maternal and perinatal variables were studied: cause of induction, time for reaching an effective uterine dynamic parity, birth via and characteristics of amniotic fluid. Results were grouped in graphics using the analytic package MICROSTAT from which the option (X) was chosen with a significance level of 0.05 and 0.005 as well as the percentage method. The incidence of induction and the mean monthly were evaluated; the premature membrane rupture, the prolonged pregnancy and oligoamnion were the principal causes of induction with a high primitive cesarea section index noting that in secundiparas and multiparas all births occurred by transpelvis via, existing statistical significance between the induced partus and cesarea section. DeCS: AMNIOTIC FLUID/complications, FETAL MEMBRANES PREMATURE RUPTURE/complications, LABOUR INDUCED, NURSING CARE, PREGNANCY PROLONGED/complications.

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