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Volume 12 Number 23 Year 2024

10 articles in this issue 

The medical practice requires a special regimen, due to its interventional and experimental nature, without disregarding the idiosyncrasy of each patient. Therefore, in the evaluation of the biomedical act, scientific, ethical and legal principles are tak... see more

Pags. III  

Juan Roberto-Santamaría , María J. Rueda-Medécigo, Mariana P. Carmona Olivares, Alberto Navarrete-Peón

We report a case of Littre’s hernia in a 64-year old woman, which is a very uncommon condition, consists on an hernia whose content corresponds to a remnant of the omphalomesenteric duct, called Meckel’s diverticulum, that results from incomplete oblitera... see more

Pags. 1 - 5  

Francisco A. Mateos-Mauricio

Self-medication refers to the consumption of medications on one's own initiative and without a prescription from a health professional to treat self-diagnosed problems or by an individual who is not medically qualified. Self-medication is a common practic... see more

Pags. 6 - 13  

Alejandra Lima-Quezada, Andrómeda Ivette Valencia-Ortiz, Rubén García-Cruz

Mental health is a fundamental axis for health, so it is considered a human right to be cared for and protected. Childhood mental disorders alter an individual's physical, psychological and social development, causing various individual and social problem... see more

Pags. 14 - 21  

Norma A. Milanes-Baños

ANOVA is the acronym for Analysis of Variance, which stands for Analysis of Variance, and is used to establish statistically significant differences between the means of two groups. Currently there are several programs that synthesize this work allowing u... see more

Pags. 22 - 26  

Manuel J. Godínez-López

The changes during pregnancy are of vital importance to maintain an optimal state of health in the mother and proper development for the fetus, however, some of these physiological, hormonal and dietary changes present in pregnancy, have an influence on t... see more

Pags. 27 - 32  

Guadalupe López-Rodríguez, Marcos Galván, Liliana Arias-Castelán

Dyslipidemias are comorbidities in seropositive patients under highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), which increase their risk of complications and reduce their life expectancy. Objective: evaluate the frequency and development of dyslipidemias in... see more

Pags. 33 - 38  

Imelda Menchaca-Armenta, Flor L. Norato Canales, Eduardo Bustos Vázquez, Gisela Galindo Juárez

The circulation of SARS-CoV-2 in endemic regions of dengue fever and its confluence with DENV has been a reason for study. The objective of this study was to determine the epidemiological characteristics of the simultaneous circulation of both viruses in ... see more

Pags. 39 - 45