The Effect of Reproductive Health Education With Video Learning Multimedia and Education on The Increasing of Knowledge and Attitude About Prevention of Fluor Albus Pathology of Female Adolescent


Fluor albus is a problem that is often experienced by women of various ages. Most women in the world must experience vaginal discharge and 90% of women in Indonesia have the potential to experience vaginal discharge. Fluor albus in adolescents can actually be prevented. One way to reproductive health education that uses media that is interesting and easily understood by adolescents, one of which is with multimedia video learning media accompanied by education. The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of multimedia video learning along with education about reproductive health to increase knowledge and attitudes to prevent albus fluorine in young women. The research method uses a quasi-experimental design with pre-test post-test control group design. The study sample was 44 young women. Paired t-test and Anova test were applied to analyze data. The analysis showed that there were significant differences in the increase in the average value of knowledge (p = 0,000), attitudes (p = 0.001), and behavior (p = 0,000) after receiving multimedia and educational video learning. It can be concluded that multimedia video learning accompanied by education is appropriate to be applied in reproductive health learning activities, especially health care for reproductive organs because Multimedia Learning Video makes it easy for young women to understand and absorb information well so that it can provide a stimulus to act in preventing the occurrence of fluorine albus. Intervention through health learning models using multimedia can change the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of preventing albus fluorine in young women.

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