Adjunctive Effects of a Sub-Antimicrobial Dose of Doxycycline on Clinical Parameters and Potential Biomarkers of Periodontal Tissue Catabolism

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BACKGROUND: Propofol is an intravenous anesthetic used worldwide as an anesthesia induction and maintenance agent. Propofol also used as sedation agent in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Despite it’s usual anesthesia properties, propofol h... see more

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Introdução: O padrão ouro do tratamento periodontal é a raspagem e alisamento radicular. Contudo, nas áreas de difícil instrumentação pode não se obter êxito e alternativas complementares são necessárias para eliminar patógenos desses locais como a laser... see more

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Background: In this research, the effect of morphine on promastigotes and amastigotes of Leishmania major has been investigated in the presence of nalmefene as a blocking opioid drug and imiquimod as an opioid growth factor receptor.Methods: This study w... see more

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Background: The major problem in the treatment of pterygium is to prevent recurrences after surgical excision. To prevent the neovascularization and recurrence, variable doses and administration of mitomycin C installation had been used. However no singl... see more