The minimum percentage of green open public place in Payakumbuh according to the Payakumbuh Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) has not yet achieved the mandate of the low of the Republic of Indonesia number 26 of 2007. In 2014 the percentage of public green open space in Payakumbuh City was (8.95%) and in 2016 (8.98%). To add more green open place and to overcome damage to the river cliffs, landslide and floods that hit Batang Agam river, Payakumbuh Government has planned the development of normalization and structuring of the Batang Agam River.  This plans involve the participation of the community and other stakeholders. This study aims to: 1. Analyze community participation in the planning of the development of the RTH bank of the Batang Agam river, 2. Describe the development of the Batang Agam bank green space until 2018. This type of research is a case study research using qualitative descriptive methods, the determination of informants using purposive techniques sampling. To achieve the research objectives, qualitative analysis was used to analyze primary data in the form of interviews with research informants, namely with related agencies, traditional leaders and the community.The results of the study stated that with the participation of the community that had begun from the beginning of planning up to Physical Development, the normalization development and structuring of the AGG river can be carried out properly, so that it can help the government to succeed development programs and can increase the percentage of green open space in the City of Payakumbuh . Aside from being a flood control and overcoming river bank lonsor, the government also launched the Batang Agam river as a public open space and a new center of economic growth in Payakumbuh which is comfortable representing and making tourism destinations in the city of Payakumbuh

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