The Convergence between Prose and Poetry in Virginia Woolf’s “Blue & Green”


This paper sheds light on the point of intersection and the moment of cross-fertilization between prose and poetry in Virginia Woolf’s experimental sketch, – “Blue & Green”. It provides an in-depth analysis of Woolf’s poetic technique in her short story in which she utilizes most of the features of poetry such as imagery, anaphora, alliteration, repetition, rhythm, and rhyme. Although classified as a short story, “Blue & Green” defies the definition of short stories as it transcends the traditional literary parameters such as plot, characterisation, and setting. Thus, this paper aims to show that “Blue & Green” can be read as a highly descriptive and sensational prose poem. Using rhythmic and poetical prose, the masterpiece which is narrated in the present tense, is carefully measured by many semi-colons and commas that hold the words and narrative together. This can be seen to herald Woolf’s more liberated style of prose writing that followed. 

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