One Year Data of New Secondary Glaucoma Patients at Top Referral Eye Hospital in Indonesia


Background: Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness after cataract in the world and also in Indonesia. Based on the etiology, glaucoma is classified into primary and secondary glaucoma. Secondary glaucoma can cause severe visual function disorders and affect the patient’s quality of life. This study was carried out to indentify the characteristics of new secondary glaucoma patients at Cicendo Eye Hospital from January to December 2013. Methods: This descriptive study was carried out at Cicendo Eye Hospital from November to December 2014. Secondary data were retrieved from medical records of new secondary glaucoma patients who came to the Glaucoma unit from January to December 2013. Inclusion criteria were medical records comprising data about age, gender, location of the affected eyes by secondary glaucoma, etiology of secondary glaucoma and value of intraocular pressure. The collected data were recorded and analyzed to  illustrate their frequency distribution and proportion.Results: Out of 63 patients, 42.9% was 40–59 years old and 63.5% was men. Most cases were unilateral (82.5%). It was found that 74 eyes (52 unilateral, 11 bilateral), diagnosed as secondary glaucoma, had intraocular pressure =30 mmHg which were 54.1%. Secondary glaucoma were caused by lens induced (36.5%), inflammation (22.2%), and trauma (9.5%).Conclusions: Most cases are middle-aged patients and dominated by men. The eye diagnosed as secondary glaucoma occurred more in the unilateral eye which has intraocular pressure =30 mmHg and is caused by lens induced and inflammation. DOI: 10.15850/amj.v4n2.1060

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Nadienka Rodríguez Ramos,Joanchin Barrios Cambas,Norky Gennie Chávez Morales,Maritza Ramos Ramos,Roberto Rodríguez Llanusa    

ABSTRACTA clinical case of lithiasis of infection is presented, known as calculi of struvite associated to an underlying metabolic disease and diabetes mellitus type-2 of recent onset, with oliguria and infection as a result of a partial bilateral urinar... see more

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Pablo González Ruíz    

ABSTRACTAmong the contents of the subject of Informatics-1 that medical students in 1st academic year receive, one of the most difficult contents to be assimilated is the one related to Microsoft Access Application, mainly the one connected with problem-... see more

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José Antonio Viñas Díaz,Jesús Juan Rodríguez,Mileidis González Rodríguez    

ABSTRACTBurns are one of the most important causes of accidental death, only exceeded by traffic accidents. This paper is aimed at knowing issues related to the epidemiology of burns in pediatric ages in Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba. A cross-sectiona... see more

Resultados de la capsulotomía Nd-YAG láser / Results of the capsulotomy Nd-YAG LASERResultados de la capsulotomía Nd-YAG láser / Results of the capsulotomy Nd-YAG LASERLa catarata es una de las principales causas de ceguera en todo el mundo y su extracción quirúrgica es la única terapia admitida como eficaz. Dentro de las complicaciones más frecuentes está la opacidad de la cápsula posterior del cristalino, ésta puede aparecer meses o años después de la cirugía. Ocurre entre el 20% y el 50% de los pacientes en un periodo de 5 años posteriores a la misma. La capsulotomía posterior puede realizarse mediante maniobras manuales con el instrumental tradicional, o con láser, siendo este último la modalidad habitual en la época actual; por estas razones se realiza esta investigación, para conocer los resultados obtenidos después de la capsulotomía con láser en los pacientes operados de catarata por la Técnica Blumenthal en el Hospital Universitario Abel Santamaría Cuadrado, en Pinar del Río (Cuba), durante el periodo junio 2007-mayo 2008. Para ello se tuvieron en cuenta las variables: edad, sexo, implante o no de lente intraocular, complicaciones trans y post láser, así como agudeza visual pre y post tratamiento. El 80.2% de los pacientes estudiados tenía >60 años de edad y en un 96,8% se colocó lente intraocular en cámara posterior. El 65.9% de los ojos presentó elevación transitoria de la presión intraocular y sólo en un 3.2% hubo astillamiento del lente intraocular sin necesidad de extracción. Las complicaciones no cobraron importancia si se considera que el 93.2% de los ojos alcanzó una agudeza visual >0.7. Palabras clave: catarata/complicaciones, pacientes.ABSTRACT Cataracts are one of the main causes of blindness all over the world and its surgical removal is the only effective therapy admitted. The opacity of the posterior capsule of the lens is the most frequent post-surgical complication. This may appear months or years after surgery and is present in 20-50 % of the patients after 5 years of their surgical intervention. The posterior capsulotomy may be performed by means of manual procedures using the traditional instrumentation, or by means of laser; the current technique nowadays. Showing the results after laser capsulotomy in patients operated by the Blumenthal Technique (2007-2008) at "Abel Santamaria Cuadrado" University Hospital, in Pinar del Rio Cuba was the purpose of this paper. Age, sex, implant and non- implant of the intraocular lenses (IOL), complications during trans and post laser therapy, as well as the visual acuity before and after treatment were the variables considered, all patients were older than 60 years (80, 2 %) and in 96, 8 % an intraocular lens was placed into the posterior chamber, 65.9 % of the eyes showed transient increasing of the intraocular pressure, and only 3, 2 % showed splintering of the IOL, but needing no extraction. Complications were not so important if it is considered that 93, 2 % of the eyes reached to a visual acuity > 0, 7. Key words: cataractc/complications, patients.

Mirlanea López Torres,Felipe Acosta Rodríguez,Yaiselys Hernández Díaz    

ABSTRACT Cataracts are one of the main causes of blindness all over the world and its surgical removal is the only effective therapy admitted. The opacity of the posterior capsule of the lens is the most frequent post-surgical complication. This m... see more

Diagnóstico y prevención de enfermedades genéticas. Análisis de seis años del municipio Sandino / Diagnostic and prevention of the genetic diseases. Analysis of six years of the municipality SandinoDiagnóstico y prevención de enfermedades genéticas. Análisis de seis años del municipio Sandino / Diagnostic and prevention of the genetic diseases. Analysis of six years of the municipality SandinoIntroducción: En los últimos años ha aumentado la importancia de las anomalías congénitas y enfermedades hereditarias como causa de muerte en el primer año de vida. El Programa de Diagnóstico y Prevención de Enfermedades Genéticas ha contribuido a la reducción de las tasas de mortalidad infantil, los indicadores de morbilidad mejorar la calidad de vida en la comunidad. Objetivos: Realizar el análisis del comportamiento del Programa de genética médica en el municipio Sandino durante seis años de funcionamiento. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte longitudinal del total de gestantes desde el 1 de enero de 2000 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2005, en las dos Áreas de Salud del municipio utilizando datos de la consulta municipal y provincial de Genética. Resultados: 2388 gestantes asistieron a Consulta Genética Comunitaria. 725 de ellas (30.4%) se clasificaron con riesgo incrementado. Los principales fueron la edad materna avanzada, embarazo en la adolescencia y los antecedentes familiares. El 9.84% de las Alfafetoproteínas resultaron elevadas, 48.9 % sin causa explicable. 11 pacientes decidieron no realizarse el diagnóstico prenatal citogenético y de los realizados 1 fue positivo. Los 31 casos de malformaciones detectadas decidieron interrumpir el embarazo. Conclusiones: El acercamiento de los Servicios de Genética Médica a la población y el desarrollo de la Genética Comunitaria facilitan la detección de riesgos si los casos son remitidos a tiempo al servicio de Genética. El embarazo en edades extremas conlleva los principales riesgos genéticos presentes en las gestantes estudiadas. Por cada fallecido se realizaron 6,2 interrupciones de embarazos por malformaciones. Palabras clave: Mortalidad infantil. anomalía congénita, enfermedad hereditaria, diagnóstico prenatal.ABSTRACT Introduction: In the last years Congenital Anomalies and hereditary diseases have gained importance, as a cause of death during the first year of life. The program for the ¨Diagnosis and Prevention of Genetic Diseases¨ has contributed to the reduction of infant mortality rates, and the morbility indicators, and to improve the quality of life within the community. Objective: To analyze how well the Genetic Program has been functioning in Sandino during the last six years. Method: It was held to descriptive, prospective study of longitudinal out with 100% of all pregnant women from January 1st, 2000 up to December 31st, 2005, in two health areas of the municipality, using data found in both the municipal and the provincial community Genetics Medical Assistance. Results: 2,388 pregnant women were attended in the community's Genetics Assistance, out of them just 725 (30, 4) were detected with increased risk. The main causes were advanced maternal age, teenage pregnancy and family records. Around 9.84% Alpha-fetoproteins reached high levels, 48.9% without a reasonable cause. Eleven patients decided not to go though the cytogenetic prenatal diagnosis and one resulted positive out of those carried out. The 31 cases of malformations detected decided to interrupt their pregnancy. Conclusion: The approach of the Genetic Service in the population y the Community's Genetics assistance contribute to the detection of risks as long as they go to visit the Genetic Physician on time. Pregnancy in deadline age constitutes the main genetic risk present in the pregnant women studied. For each person deceased about 6.2 abortions of pregnancy were done because of malformations. Key words: Infant mortality, genetic abnormalities, genetic diseases, prenatal diagnosis.

Pedro Antonio Ramírez Sosa,Carlos Otaño Plasencia,Yusimí Martínez Fernández,Yarelis Prieto Hernández    

Objetivos: Realizar el análisis del comportamiento del Programa de genética médica en el municipio Sandino durante seis años de funcionamiento. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte longitudinal del total de gestantes des... see more