Home  /  Lexikos  /  Núm: Vol15 Par: 0 (2005)  /  Article

The Impact of Translation Activities on the Development of African Languages in a Multilingual Society: Duramazwi reMimhanzi as a Case-study


ABSTRACT: The article examines the impact of translation activities on the development of Afri-can languages in the multilingual Zimbabwean society. It analyses Shona musical terms created through translation processes and strategies such as borrowing, coining, compounding and deri-vation. Focus is on the way this ongoing term-creation is contributing to improving or hindering the development of Shona. The importance of such processes and strategies are discussed in the broader context of empowering African languages. The article also offers recommendations on how best to produce systematized terminology in music and other specialized fields.Keywords: TRANSLATION, DEVELOPMENT OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES, MULTILIN-GUAL SOCIETIES, BORROWING, COINING, COMPOUNDING, DERIVATION, TERMINOL-OGY, TERMINOGRAPHY*****OPSOMMING: Die uitwerking van vertaalaktiwiteite op die ontwikkeling van Afrikatale in 'n veeltalige samelewing: Duramazwi reMimhanzi as 'n ge-vallestudie. Die artikel ondersoek die uitwerking van vertaalaktiwiteite op die ontwikkeling van Afrikatale in die veeltalige Zimbabwiese samelewing. Dit ontleed Sjonamusiekterme geskep deur middel van vertaalprosesse en -strategieë soos ontlening, munting, samestelling en afleiding. Die fokus is op die manier hoe voortgaande termskepping bydra tot die verbetering of belemme-ring van Sjona. Die belangrikeid van sulke prosesse en strategieë word bespreek in die wyer kon-teks van die bemagtiging van die Afrikatale. Die artikel maak ook aanbevelings hoe om op die beste manier gesistematiseerde terminologie in musiek en ander gespesialiseerde gebiede voort te bring.Sleutelwoorde: VERTALING, ONTWIKKELING VAN AFRIKATALE, VEELTALIGE SA-MELEWINGS, ONTLENING, MUNTING, SAMESTELLING, AFLEIDING, TERMINOLOGIE, TERMINOGRAFIE

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