Effect of organizational culture on organizational citizenship behaviorsÖrgüt kültürünün örgütsel vatandaslik davranislarina etkisi


The aim of this research is to explore the relationship between organizational culture and organizational citizenship behaviors according to teachers' perceptions. In the research, relational survey model was used. Data of the research were obtained from 1.613 teachers working in public and private schools which were subject to Ministry of National Education in the Üsküdar district of Istanbul province in 2014. In this research, the data were collected through the "Organizational Culture Scale" and "Organizational Citizenship Behavior Scale" developed by the researcher. The inputs of data obtained from participants were entered via SPSS 17.0, and the research data were analyzed by "mean", "standard deviation", "Pearson moments correlation coefficient" and "regression analysis”. According to the analysis results obtained in the research, the average of teachers' perception on organizational culture and organizational citizenship behaviors is high level. There is a moderate, significant and positive relationship between organizational culture and organizational citizenship behaviors, and organizational culture is the predictor of organizational citizenship behaviors, according to research results. Based on the research data, it can be said that organizational citizenship behaviors to be shown by the employees working in the organization are very important for the establishment and development of a successful, efficient and effective education and training system in educational organizations. The positive and strong organizational culture that the organizations have is one of the most important factors that will improve organizational citizenship behaviors in the institution. In this context, to perform necessary studies that will constitute the strong organizational culture and contribute to the development of organizational citizenship behaviors in the organizations will have a critical role for organizations to be able to be successful and effective. ÖzetBu arastirmanin amaci; ögretmen algilarina göre, örgüt kültürü ile örgütsel vatandaslik davranislari arasindaki iliskinin incelenmesidir. Arastirmada, iliskisel tarama modeli kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin verileri 2014 yilinda, Istanbul ili, Üsküdar ilçesinde Milli Egitim Bakanligi’na bagli kamu ve özel okullarda çalisan 1.613 ögretmenden elde edilmistir. Bu arastirmada veriler, arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen “Örgüt Kültürü Ölçegi” ve “Örgütsel Vatandaslik Davranislari Ölçegi” ile toplanmistir. Katilimcilardan elde edilen verilerin girisi, SPSS araciligiyla yapilmis; arastirma verileri “ortalama”, “standart sapma”, “pearson moments korelasyon katsayisi” ve “regresyon analizi” ile çözümlenmistir. Arastirmada elde edilen analiz sonuçlarina göre; ögretmenlerin, örgüt kültürüne ve örgütsel vatandaslik davranislarina iliskin algi ortalamasi yüksek düzeydedir. Yine arastirma sonuçlarina göre; örgüt kültürüyle, örgütsel vatandaslik davranislari arasinda orta düzeyde, pozitif yönde anlamli bir iliski vardir ve örgüt kültürü, örgütsel vatandaslik davranislarinin yordayicisidir.Egitim kurumlarinda; basarili, verimli ve etkili bir egitim ve ögretim sisteminin tesisi ve gelistirilmesi adina kurumda çalisanlarin ortaya koyacaklari örgütsel vatandaslik davranislarinin çok önemli bir yeri vardir. Kurumdaki örgütsel vatandaslik davranislarini gelistirecek en önemli faktörlerden biri de kurumun sahip oldugu olumlu ve güçlü bir örgüt kültürüdür. Bu baglamda, kurumdaki güçlü örgüt kültürünü olusturacak ve örgütsel vatandaslik davranislarinin gelismesine katki verecek gerekli çalismalarin yapilmasi kurumlarin verimli, etkili ve basarili olabilmelerinde çok kritik role sahip olacaktir.

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