Does efficiency of service after the 20th scores in volleyball differ according to nationality and positions? Voleybolda 20. sayilar sonrasi atilan servis etkinligi uyruk ve mevkilere göre degisiklik gösterir mi?


The first technique that starts the match in volleyball is service. It has been known that benefiting efficiently from the service as the first hitting attack in each period of the match is remarkable. However, it has also been emphasized in the study carried out by Marcelino et al. that managing the scores especially at the end of the set and match are more important for the trainers and players. For that reason, it is considered that trainers’ including target-specific service work-outs in training programs will be the most remarkable factor for winning the game (Marcelino, Sampaio et al., 2012)The purpose of this study was to examine the change of service efficiency after the 20th scores according to nationality and positions in 2017-2018 Volleyball Sultanlar League session. Into the study, totally 134 female players including natives (n=94) and foreigners (n=40) from 12 teams between 26 and 30 years old (28.25±1,62) were included. The numbers of the services performed after the 20th scores of 17.918 rallies in 496 sets (except from the 5th set) of 125 matches played by 12 teams during the session were evaluated. All matches were recorded with a video recorder by the researcher, and the videos were analyzed by the experts in 3 repetitions. The service error, service as the free ball, bad service, good service, service ace and total number of service after the 20th scores during the match were recorded in numbers. Lilliefors Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test indicated whether the study data were appropriate for the normal distribution or not (p<.05). In data analysis, descriptive statistics such as number, percentage, arithmetic average and standard deviation were used; and Independent Samples T-Test and One-Way Variance Analysis (One-Way ANOVA) were used for determining the difference between dependent and independent variables. While interpreting the data, 0.01 and 0.05 were accepted as the level of significance. The research data were analyzed using SPSS 21 statistical software.As result of the findings obtained at the end of the study, it was determined that there were significant differences except from the service as the free ball in terms of the Turkish players and foreign-national players (p<0.05). No significant difference was noticed in terms of service error, service as the free ball, bad service, good service, service ace and total number of service after the 20th scores during the session depending upon the positions of the players (p>.05). As a result, it is determined that foreign players serve more effectively than native players at 20th points which is named as golden points.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetVoleybolda müsabakayi baslatan ilk teknik servistir. Ilk hücum vurusu olan servisi müsabakanin her periyodunda etkin kullanmanin önemli oldugu bilinmektedir. Ancak özellikle setin ve maçin son bölümlerindeki sayilarin yönetiminin antrenörler ve sporcular için daha önemli oldugu Marcelino ve arkadaslarinin yapmis oldugu çalismada da vurgulanmistir.   Bu nedenle antrenörler antrenman programlarinda hedefe yönelik etkin servis çalismalarina yer vererek maçi kazanmada en önemli etken olacagi düsünülmektedir (Marcelino, Sampaio et al. 2012)Bu çalismanin amaci, 2017-2018 voleybol Süper lig sezonunda 20. sayilar sonrasi atilan servis etkinliginin uyruk ve mevkilere göre degisikliginin incelenmesidir. Çalismaya 26-30 yas arasi (28.25±1,62) 12 takimdan yerli (n=94), yabanci (n=40) toplam 134 kadin oyuncu dahil edilmistir. Sezon içerisinde 12 takimin mücadele ettigi 125 maç da (5. set hariç) 496 set 17.918 rallinin 20. sayilar sonrasi atilan servis sayilari degerlendirilmistir. Bütün maçlar arastirmaci tarafindan video kamera ile kayit altina alinmis, videolar uzman kisiler tarafindan 3 tekrar ile analiz edilmistir. Müsabaka esnasindaki 20. sayilardan sonra yaptiklari servis hatasi, avantaj top olarak dönen servis, kötü servis, iyi servis, servis ace ile toplam servis sayilari adet cinsinden kaydedilmistir. Degiskenlerin normal dagilima uygunlugu Lilliefors Kolmogorov-Smirnov testi çalisma verilerinin normal dagilima uygun olmadigini göstermistir (p<.05). Verilerin analizinde; tanimlayici istatistikler (sayi, yüzde, aritmetik ortalama ve standart sapma) ile bagimli ve bagimsiz degiskenler arasindaki farkliligi saptamak amaciyla; Bagimsiz Gruplar için t Testi ve Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi (One-Way-Anova) kullanilmistir. Verilerin yorumlanmasinda 0.01 ve 0.05 anlamlilik düzeyi kullanilmistir. Arastirma verileri SPSS 21 programi ile analiz edilmistir. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda; Türk sporcular ile yabanci uyruklu sporcularin avantaj olarak dönen servis sayilari hariç anlamli farklar tespit edilmistir (p>.05). Sonuç olarak; yabanci uyruklu sporcularin, altin sayilar olarak da adlandirilan 20. Sayilarida, yerli oyunculardan daha etkin servis attigi belirlenmistir.

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