Foreign language learning anxiety of foreign students while learning Turkish as a foreign languageTürkçeyi yabanci dil olarak ögrenen yabanci uyruklu ögrencilerde yabanci dil ögrenme kaygisi


The aim of this study is to examine the anxiety  levels of foreign students towards Turkish language , to determine their relations with the four main language skills ( writing , speaking, listening, reading) which are generally accepted as the main language skills, to determine the other difficulties they face while learning a foreign language, to diagnose continuity condition of the anxiety after they have started learning Turkish and finding out possible solutions for the issues sourcing from anxiety. The participants of this research are 19 students who studied at different departments of Necmettin Erbakan University in 2016-2017 academic year.They all participated the study voluntarily. The qualitative research model has been used as a research model in this study. A semi-structured interview form developed by the researches containing 6 open ended questions has been used as a data collection tool. The main results and themes that are obtained from data analysis can be summarized as follows: anxiety theme during the the process of learning Turkish, language , language proficency theme, strategy themes during language learning process, linguistic competencies theme, effects of social environment theme and motivational contributions of the instructors’ theme. There are also some suggestions both for language teachers and learners in the conclusion part of the study.Extended English abstract is in the end of PDF (TURKISH) file.ÖzetBu çalismada, yabanci dil olarak Türkçe ögrenen bireylerde bulunan Türkçe ögrenmeye iliskin kaygilarin neler oldugunun ortaya konmasi; bu kaygilarin, dilin dört temel becerisi yazma, konusma, dinleme ve okuma becerilerinin hangileri ile ilgili oldugunun belirlenmesi, yabanci dil ögrenmede karsilastiklari diger sorunlarin saptanmasi, Türk dilini ögrenmeye basladiktan sonra bu kaygilarinin ve sorunlarinin devam edip etmediginin tespit edilmesi, devam eden kaygilarinin ve sorunlarinin hangi asamada oldugu, tespit edilen kaygi ve sorunlarin çözümüne yönelik önerilerin ortaya konmasi amaçlanmistir.Buna yönelik olarak  arastirmada, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi’nde 2016-2017 ögretim yilinda Türkçe ögrenim gören 19 yabanci uyruklu ögrenciyle çalisilmistir. Arastirma nitel arastirma yöntemi ile gerçeklestirilmistir. Çalismada veri toplama araci olarak ise arastirmacilar tarafindan hazirlanmis olan 6 açik uçlu soruyu içeren yari yapilandirilmis görüsme formu kullanilmistir. Verilerin analizi sonucunda elde edilen öncelikli temalar sunlardir: Türkçe ögrenme sürecinde yasanan kaygi temalari, dil yeterliligi temalari, sosyal çevrenin etkisi temalari, ögrenme sürecindeki strateji temalari ve motivasyon temalari olarak belirlenmistir. Çalismanin sonuç bölümünde ise hem ögrencilere hem de ögretim elemanlarina önerilerde bulunulmustur.

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