Leadership behaviours that dance athletes perceive and preferDans sporcularinin algiladiklari ve tercih ettikleri liderlik davranislari


Aim: The aim of this study is to determine if the leadership behaviours that dance athletes perceive and prefer show any differences according to the variables such as gender, age, dance age, educational background.Method: 49 athletes, including 26 male and 23 female, that participated in Latin and Standard Dance Clubs Championship League 1. Stage and Koç Dance Cup Open held in 2015 in Istanbul, participated in this study voluntarily. In order to measure athletes' preferred and perceived leadership behaviours, the Sports Leadership Scale, which Chelladurai and Saleh's (1980) has developed and Tiryaki (2000) made validity-reliability tests, was used. Since the data does not conform to the normal distribution, Man Whitney U test was used for two sets of comparisons, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for comparisons of more than two sets.Results: as a result of the study, no significant differences were observed between athletes' preferred and perceived leadership behaviours. In terms of age variable, there are significant differences in Sub scale Perceived total score, democratic behavior, positive feedback. However, no significant differences were observed in terms of autocratic behavior, social support and education-training. in terms of dance age variable, significant differences were observed in perceived total score, social support and positive feedback. However, no significant differences were observed in democratic behavior, education-training and autocratic behavior. In terms of education state, there are significant differences in perceived total score from leadership subscale, democratic behavior; while no significant differences were observed in training-Instruction, autocratic behavior, social support. In terms of dance age, there are significant differences in preferred leadership and social support from subscale. In terms of education, there was significant difference only in democratic behaviour. ÖzetBu çalismanin amaci, dans sporcularinin tercih ettikleri ve algiladiklari liderlik davranislarinin; cinsiyet, yas, dans yasi, egitim durumu degiskenlerine göre bir farklilik gösterip göstermediginin belirlenmesidir. Arastirmaya gönüllü olarak 2015 yilinda Istanbul’da düzenlenen Latin ve Standart Kulüplerarasi Dans Ligi 1.Etap Yarismasi ve Koç Dans Cup Open yarismasina katilan 26 erkek, 23 kadin sporcu olmak üzere toplamda 49 sporcu katilmistir. Arastirmada sporcularin tercih ettikleri ve algiladiklari liderlik davranislarini ölçmek için Chelladurai ve Saleh’ nin (1980) gelistirdigi ve Türkiye için geçerlilik-güvenirligi yapilan Sporda Liderlik Ölçegi (Tiryaki, 2000; Toros ve Tiryaki, 2006) kullanilmistir. Veriler normal dagilima uymadigindan analizlerde; ikili küme karsilastirmalari için Man Whitney U Testi, ikiden fazla küme karsilastirmalari için ise Kruskal Wallis testi kullanilmistir. Çalisma sonucunda kadin ve erkek dansçilarin algiladiklari ve tercih ettikleri liderlik davranisi arasinda bir fark olmadigi,  yas degiskeni açisindan alt ölçeklerden algilanan toplam puan, demokratik davranis, pozitif geri bildirimaçisindan anlamli fark görülürken,  otokratik davranis, sosyal destek ve egitim ögretim açisindan anlamli fark görülmemistir.  Dans yasi degiskeni açisindan algilanan toplam puan, sosyal destek ve pozitif geri bildirimanlamli görülürken, egitim ögretim, demokratik davranis, otokratik davranisanlamsiz görülmüstür. Egitim durumu açisindan algilanan liderlik alt ölçeklerinden algilanan toplam puan, demokratik davranis, pozitif geri bildirimaçisindan anlamli fark görülürken;  egitim ögretim, otokratik davranis, sosyal destekaçisindan anlamli fark görülmemistir. Dans yasi degiskenine göre tercih edilen liderlik ve alt ölçeklerinden sadece sosyal destekaçisindan anlamli fark görülürken; egitim degiskeni açisindan sadece demokratik davranisboyutunda anlamli fark görülmüstür.

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