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Medicine / Gynecology


Turkey, Turkish Republic


22  Articles
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The purpose of this study is to analyse by examining team performances according to the preferences of the competition analysis methods of soccer coaches. 332 volunteering soccer coaches participated in the study. To demonstrate the team performance of th... see more

This research was conducted to determine the coaches workaholic level, the comparison of demographic variables. In this context, Dutch Work Addiction Scale (Duwas), developed by Schaufeli, Taris and Bakker (2006) and adapted to Turkish by Dogan and Tel (2... see more

The purpose of this study is to determine the organizational commitment and job satisfaction of youth team football coaches.The sample of the study is consisted of 212 youth team coaches who work in Central Anatolian region. Coaches were selected by purpo... see more

The aim of this research was to reveal whether the coach-athlete relationship is a determinant of athletes’ motivation. 312 (63.5%) males and 179 (36.5%) females as a total of 491 athletes from team and individual sports voluntarily participated to the re... see more

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between burnout levels, communication skills and life satisfaction levels of football coaches. A survey was applied to 120 football coaches who attended to Football Coach Development Seminar that wa... see more

Bu çalismada, isitme engelli ögrencileri sportif yarismalara hazirlayan beden egitimi ögretmenlerinin mesleki becerilerinin isitme engelli ögrenciler tarafindan degerlendirmelerini içermektedir. Bu çalisma; 2013-2014 egitim ögretim yilinda Isitme Engellil... see more

Bu çalismada, isitme engelli ögrencileri sportif yarismalara hazirlayan beden egitimi ögretmenlerinin mesleki becerilerinin isitme engelli ögrenciler tarafindan degerlendirmelerini içermektedir. Bu çalisma; 2013-2014 egitim ögretim yilinda Isitme Engellil... see more

1 of 3 pages  |  10  records  |  more records»