The preference situations of competition analysis methods of the soccer coaches and team performances analysisFutbol antrenörlerinin müsabaka analizi yöntemlerini tercih etme durumlari ve takim performanslarinin analizi


The purpose of this study is to analyse by examining team performances according to the preferences of the competition analysis methods of soccer coaches. 332 volunteering soccer coaches participated in the study. To demonstrate the team performance of the coaches, the data in Turkey Football Federation's official website were investigated with document analysis techniques. The analysis of the data obtained from the study was saved in SPSS. The differences between coaches from different groups were examined by t-test and one way analysis of variance (Anova). To find out which group cause the difference when there is a difference between groups and the variants are equal, Tukey HSD test were used. Significant level was accepted as p<0.05.Of the soccer coaches who participated in the study, the average score of the team performance in coaches that take advantage of competition analysis was 1.548±0.44, coaches who don’t benefit from competition analysis was 1.112±0.36. The mean score of team performance, a significant difference was found in favor of coaches benefiting from competition analysis (p<0.01). Considering the average score of team performance according to the competition analysis method preferences, coaches that take advantage of the match observation with video reached the highest scores and there are significant differences (p<0.01). There are significant differences between team performance scores of the soccer coaches who prefer match observation with video and the scores of the coaches who make self-observation and observation with paper-pencil (p<0.01). There is no significant difference between the mean scores of coaches who make observation with paper-pencil and self-observation (p>0.05).As a result, it was determined that soccer coaches who prefer observation of the match with video causes difference in team performance. To play over and over again the actions which took place during a match, video and analysis of the competition with the help of computer provide an important opportunity and that can be considered as a great contribution to this situation. In this regard, analysis method with video superior to the other competition analysis methods is determined as an important tool which managers should particularly benefit from in order to increase team performance. ÖzetBu çalismanin amaci, futbol antrenörlerinin müsabaka analizi yöntemlerini tercih etme durumlarina göre takim performanslarinin incelenerek analiz edilmesidir. Arastirmaya toplam 332 futbol antrenörü gönüllü olarak katilmistir. Antrenörlerin takim performanslarini ortaya koyabilmek için Türkiye Futbol Federasyonu’nun resmi web sitesindeki veriler döküman analizi teknigi ile incelenmistir. Elde edilen tüm veriler SPSS programinda kaydedilmistir. Farkli gruplardaki antrenörler arasindaki farkliliklar t testi ve tek yönlü varyans analizi ile (Anova) incelenmistir. Gruplar arasinda farklilik olustugu ve varyanslarin esit oldugu durumlarda, farkin hangi gruplar arasinda oldugunu bulabilmek için Tukey HSD analizleri kullanilmistir. Anlamlilik düzeyi p<0.05 olarak kabul edilmistir.Arastirmaya katilan futbol antrenörlerinin takim performansi puan ortalamalari müsabaka analizinden yararlanan antrenörlerde 1.548±0.44, yararlanmayan antrenörlerde 1.112±0.36 olarak bulunurken, takim performansi puan ortalamalarinda, müsabaka analizinden yararlanan antrenörler lehine p<0.01 düzeyinde anlamli bir farklilik bulunmustur. Müsabaka analizi yöntemi tercihlerine göre takim performansi puan ortalamalari incelendiginde, en yüksek puan ortalamasina videolu maç gözleminden yararlanan antrenörlerin ulastigi ve p<0.01 düzeyinde anlamli farklilik olusturdugu tespit edilmistir. Videolu maç gözlemini tercih eden futbol antrenörlerinin takim performansi puanlari ile kagit-kalem yoluyla gözlem ve serbest gözlem yapan antrenörlerin puan ortalamalari arasinda p<0.01 düzeyinde anlamli farkliliklar bulunurken, kagit-kalem yoluyla gözlem ve serbest gözlem yapan antrenörlerin puan ortalamalari arasinda herhangi anlamli bir farkliliga rastlanmamistir (p>0.05).Sonuç olarak, videolu maç gözlemini tercih eden futbol antrenörlerinin takim performanslarinda farkliliga yol açtigi, bu duruma video ve bilgisayar yardimi ile yapilan müsabaka analizlerinin, maç sirasinda gerçeklesen eylemleri tekrar tekrar oynatabilmek için önemli bir firsat saglamasinin büyük katkisi oldugu düsünülebilir. Bu yönüyle, diger müsabaka analizi yöntemlerinden üstün olan videolu analiz yönteminin, takim performansinin artirilmasi için antrenörlerin özellikle yararlanmasi gereken önemli bir araç oldugunu söyleyebiliriz.

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