The Effect of Audit Quality and Accounting Conservatism on Tax Avoidance in Companies That Are Members of The Sri Kehati Index

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Hisar Pangaribuan, Daniel Simbolon    

Qualified  audit opinion  result becomes an  important key for the  users of company financial  statement information. Studies of audit quality becoming  wider and hot issue in the field of financial accounting and auditing ... see more

Nujmatul Laily    

A number of previous empirical studies have attempted to reveal the existence of earnings management. However, a research that focuses on how to alleviate the earnings management practices committed by managers is still insufficiently available. This stu... see more

Mohamad A. Khasawneh,Firas A. Al Ahmad,Mohamad A. Al Khawaldeh    

This study aimed to explore the effect of a training program based on auditory perception  skills in enhancing phonological awareness  among learning disability students in the Aseer region. The sample of the study consisted of forty students f... see more

Muhammad Rizki Ramadhan    

This study aims to determine whether there is a significant effect of applying the structured Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) learning model on students' ability to understand mathematical concepts. This research was conducted on class VII stude... see more

Muhammad Hafiz,Mardianto Mardianto,Abdul Hafizh Azizi Batubara,Abdul Rasyid Rosandi Lubis,Nur Atika,Najaruddin Butar-Butar,Rahmad Anwi Siregar    

Low self-confidence is one of the problems faced by students in the learning process, so that the teacher's efforts are needed to facilitate the improvement of character building in students. This study aims to determine the effect of the SAVI (Somatic, ... see more

Revista: Jurnal Basicedu