Development of Critical Thinking Skills in Romanian Society. Possibilities and Limits


The research aims to identify the current situation of critical thinking (CT) in the Romanian mentality, from the perspective of interventions necessary to increase specific skills. We start from an analysis of the main approaches of CT specific to Western educational practices, these being the reference for a comparative analysis of the situation in Romania. Because we cannot exclude the possibility of the existence of certain CT specific contents camouflaged in the Romanian educational practices (that correspond to the western ones but they have other names), we carry out an analysis of the specific CT contents to observe the differences and possible similarities. Considering that CT involves the ability to discover boundaries (e.g.: discovering one's own cognitive boundaries), we look at the issue of potential boundaries. The approach includes analyzing the risk of CT marketing and the limits of specific CT interventions outlined by the mindsets of different communities. The research includes the evaluation of the existence of cultural limits possibility, starting from the question: "Is there a cultural place of CT (is it a value) in the Romanian mentality?". We evaluate the coherence of CT with social values, considering that in the absence of values that enhance its possibility, the probability of success of CT is diminished. Since we cannot a priori exclude the risk of importing models that do not match the mentality and values of this society, we analyze the problem from the perspective of the shapes without fond theory (a relevant questioning paradigm for Romanian society). 

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