Content delivery network for secure of software defined networking by using IPv4, OpenFlow, and ALTO


Software defined networking is a programmability function network by easiness for maintenance and configuration. The administrators of network can change the traffic rules during the commuting process. SDN is an arising network structure with programmability and centralization and this leads to introduce potential security concerns. Though the TLS ability support secure for control plane but computationally aggravating and complex to configure as well as not compatible with OpenFlow protocol. For this reason, a content delivery network can be used to increase the ability of network services dynamically and automatically. In order that relieve the threat we proposed architecture for SDN depending on CDN. In our proposed architecture, we use application layer traffic optimization (ALTO) protocol to be as servers enable mapping for the network to produce a summarized vision. We also hide the identity of the forwarding devices by take advantage of IPv4 and OpenFlow transaction identification fields into the control packets through implement of two authentication structures via efficient Salsa20 stream cipher. Finally, the work results explain the proposed architecture can efficiently eliminate of attack types and provide more detectability to attackers.

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