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Wahibur Rokhman    

The objective of this study examined the influence of islamic leadership and workplace spirituality on organizational citizenship behavior among the millennial generation muslim employees in Central Java, Indonesia. Furthermore, the research also examine... see more

Revista: Iqtishadia

Juliansyah Juliansyah, Muhtadi Ridwan, Wahidmurni    

Purpose – Building performance is one of the fundamental goals of every tertiary institution. The lecturer profession is increasingly competitive, and the difficulty in raising the competence of lecturers who are partly in the Islamic boarding school env... see more

Adriani Gunawan,Ahmad H Sutawidjaya,Indrawan Tjhin    

Leadership style can not only shape employee behavior by influencing employee attitudes, such as their satisfaction, commitment, and well-being at work, but also can shape performance such as job involvement through motivational construction. The purpose... see more

Asnita Basir Leman    

Many world leadership motivators use the Bible's principles and apply them in the secular area, and they are very successful. Ironically, when Christians want to emulate that success and reuse those principles in spiritual leadership of the church, it tu... see more

Revista: Journal Kerugma

Setya Hari Purnomo, Daniel Ari Wibowo    

Leadership is a task given by Jesus Christ to Christians through His Church. Leaders are needed by every human being to achieve happiness and prosperity in all fields. Thus the Church has an important role in improving leadership for the spiritual growth... see more