Non-Electrical Water Pump Technology for Fulfillment Water Supply in Gondanglegi Malang


Water is one of the indispensable human necessities. The majority of daily activities require water. Along with population growth and changes in people's lifestyles, the need for clean water grows daily. The people who live in Bulupitu village in Gondanglegi likewise recognize the importance of having access to clean water. Due to financial constraints, there are still a significant number of residents who lack access to local water company (PDAM). Therefore, the majority of people continue to rely on groundwater and river water. To maximize the use of water, therefore, a non-electrical gravity-based water pump technology is necessary. This pump operates without electricity, making it more cost-effective. This activity is implemented through surveys, discussions with partners, analysis of problems and needs, counseling regarding clean water, the development of water pump, evaluation, and monitoring. On the basis of an analysis of the needs and quantity of water required by the residents of Bulupitu, the acquisition of non-electric pumps can increase the total water supply by 7%. This is based on the estimation that each person requires 250 liters of water per day, given the total population of 3000. In order for the total water requirements of all residents to reach 750.000 liters. As a matter of fact, 24-hour pumps can produce between 47000- 52000 liters of water.

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