Multiple factor comprehensive analysis (CAMF) model of occupational health and safety training effect for construction workers


Occupational health and safety (OHS) training is an important way to avoid the risk of safety management in the construction industry. However, the statistics on construction accidents and deaths in China show that the effectiveness of OHS training in China is questionable. Through empirical investigations, based on the CART and comprehensive analysis model, this study explores the effectiveness of OHS training and its main influencing factors. It has been found that training effectiveness is positively related to whether to receive OHS training or not and also positively related to training methods. It has also been found that the effectiveness of training is positively related to the importance of post responsibility. The results show that the construction industry needs to strengthen the OHS system training of grass-root workers, and the training should be classified and graded according to the workers' educational backgrounds, training methods, job satisfaction, and job responsibilities. In the safety training management of on-site workers, salary is the basic factor, and more attention should be paid to the factors such as workers' physical safety, training and learning, and future career development. The research results can provide paths and suggestions for improving the effectiveness of occupational health and safety training in China's construction industry, and provide some reference for other developing countries to carry out OHS training.

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