Development of an Agro-Food complex on the basis of economic integration

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Dailit González Capote, Michel Tamayo Saborit    

El presente trabajo está dirigido al desarrollo de la agricultura, realizándose en las empresas pertenecientes a dicho sector, con el objetivo de determinar los puntos críticos de la cadena productiva agroalimentaria en la provincia de Cienfuegos. En la ... see more

Viktor Meglei    

The subject of the author’s research is the processes of development of the agrarian sector of Ukrainian economy by ecological-economic specifications. The methodological justification is based on the use of fundamental principles that reflect the main s... see more

Valentina Mushtay,Olena Shumkova    

The purpose of the paper is to determine the potential of the food provision of the Sumy region. The agricultural production in the region is not just a complex of the industries, developing independently from each other, but the rational and systematic ... see more

Lia Sunfianah,Agung Haryono    

Poncokusumo district of Malang regency is directed to be an agropolitan area because that area is considered potential in agricultural field, especially in food plant, horticulture, fruits, and vegetables. The agropolitan concept accommodate two mai... see more

Anicia García Álvarez,Ricardo González Águila    

El presente artículo tiene como propósito analizar cuál ha sido la evolución del mercado agropecuario cubano y proponer medidas para su mejor funcionamiento. Para ello, se discuten algunas consideraciones que deben tomarse en cuenta a la hora de implemen... see more