The diagnosis of COVID-19 in CT images using hybrid machine learning approaches (CNN & SVM)


The new coronavirus disease (2019) has spread quickly as an acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) among millions of individuals worldwide. Furthermore, the number of COVID-19 checking obtainable in hospitals is very limited as compared to the rising number of infections every day. As an outcome, an automatic detection system must be implemented as a quick diagnostic tool for preventing or reducing the spread of COVID-19 among humans. The present paper aims to propose an automated system by means of a hybrid Deep Learning ("convolutional neural network"(CNN)) and "support vector machine (SVM)" approach for identifying COVID-19 pneumonia-infected patients on the basis of chest computed tomography (746 CT images of "COVID-19" and "non-COVID-19"). The proposed system is composed of three phases. The first, pre-processing phase begins with converting CT images into greyscale level CT images of equal size (256×256). The "contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization" technology is adopted to enhance the intensity levels, and demonstrate the feature of lung tissue. It is also necessary to normalize the division of the image elements by 255 to make the values between 0 and 1, as this will speed up the processing process. The second phase, the CNN (SimpNet model), was applied as a deep feature extraction technique to identify CT samples. The SVM classifier and SoftMax function are employed in the third phase to classify COVID-19 pneumonia-infected patients. Specificity, Sensitivity, "F-score", Accuracy, and "area under curve" are used as criteria to estimate the efficiency of the classification. The results showed a high accuracy rate of COVID-19 classification which reached (98%) and (99.1%) for CNN-SoftMax and CNN-SVM classifier, respectively in the tested dataset (225 CT images).

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