Impact of gender and monthly income on consumer buying behavior


This paper discovers the variables that influence consumer purchasing decisions in Morocco and Turkey as well as their relationships. The study put forth the hypothesis that gender and monthly income had an effect on stress levels and shopping choices for both online and offline stores. A 21-question survey from the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science that was broken down into three main components was used as the research methodology. To better define the target market for a particular brand, the questionnaire asked demographic questions like gender, age range, country of residence, and monthly pay. A straightforward random sampling method was used to gather information from 280 respondents in Morocco and Turkey. In SPSS, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were all carried out on the data. According to the study, shopping choices for both online and offline stores as well as stress levels are influenced by gender and monthly income. The study also discovered a link between a preference for online shopping and the stress level associated with shopping in brick and mortar stores. The bulk of answers were from Morocco, with Turkey coming in second. There were five different salary ranges for the respondents. The survey offers helpful information about consumer shopping habits and preferences, which businesses may find beneficial in identifying their target market and creating efficient marketing plans. 

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