Home  /  Lexikos  /  Núm: Vol23 Par: 0 (2013)  /  Article

Die leksikografiese aanbieding en behandeling van vaste uitdrukkings


The Lexicographic Presentation and Treatment of Fixed Expres­sions.In their decisions regarding the inclusion of fixed expressions in their dictionaries it is important for lexicographers to be familiar with the status of fixed expressions as fully-fledged lexical items. This status should have an influence on the way in which fixed expressions are pre­sented and treated. With reference to the treatment allocated to fixed expressions in a few diction­aries it is argued in this paper that they should be awarded lemma status in dictionaries. It is pro­posed that fixed expressions should be included as sublemmata, presented in a nested text block that is attached to the article of a lemma representing a keyword from the fixed expression. Their treat­ment should be more comprehensive than what is currently found in prevailing general dic­tionar­ies. A focus on lexicographic functions demands the inclusion of certain item types in the treatment of fixed expressions. This includes etymological data as well as much more explicit guid­ance with regard to culture-bound lexical items.Keywords: cognitive function, contextual guidance, cotextual guid­ance, culture-bound items, fixed expression, guiding element, idioms, item, lemma sign, lemmatic addressing, lexicographic functions, lexicographic treat­ment, nest, niche, nonlemmatic addressing, partial article stretch, sublemma

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