Introduction to Special JWSR Mini-Symposium: Peter Gowan & The "Capitalist World Empire"

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Nick Kardulias    

The papers in this thematic section were originally presented in two venues. Approximately half of the contributions were delivered first in a session at the Annual Meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society in Indianapolis, Indiana in March, ... see more

Christopher Chase-Dunn    

The first batch contains an article by Political Scientist Daniel Whitcncck on epistemic communities and global leadership and a special thematic section focussing around the ideas ofW. Warren Wagar regarding the future of the world-system and global pol... see more

Thomas D. Hall    

About sixteen months ago we began discussing commissioning a series of review essays on Arrighis Adam Smith in Beijing. The original idea was to publish a collection of essays from various world-systems scholars, and have Arrighi respond. As we all know,... see more