Introduction. Removal of large volumes of lungs leads to arterial pulmonary hypertension, cor pulmonale and its decompensation, venous plethora, stagnation and structural changes in the organs of the large circulatory system, the morphogenesis of which has not been studied sufficiently.The aim of the study – to learn the features of the processes of lipoperoxidation in the testes in the conditions at postresection arterial pulmonary hypertension.Research Methods. Morphometric and biochemical methods investigated the structures of the testes of 45 laboratory adult white male rats. One month after the start of the experiment, euthanasia of the experimental animals was performed by bloodletting under conditions of thiopental anesthesia. The content of diene conjugates, the active products of thiobarbituric acid, was determined in the homogenates of the testes. Histostereometrically on micropreparations the number of cells of the epithelio-spermatogenic layer, tubulo-interstitial index, nuclear-cytoplasmic relations in endotheliocytes, spermatogenic epitheliocytes, the relative volumes of damaged endothelial cells, spermatogenic cells were determined. Correlation analysis was conducted between the concentrations of diene conjugates, the active products of thiobarbituric acid and the studied histostereometric parameters with the determination of the correlation coefficient (r). Quantitative values were processed statistically.Results and Discussion. It was established that right pulmonectomy led to hypertrophy and enlargement of the chambers of the heart with the predominance of the mass of the right ventricle and its dilation, that is, the cor pulmonale. It was found that in the case of pulmonary hypertension and compensated cor pulmonale, the level of diene conjugates was statistically significant (p<0.001) increased by 1.84 times, with decompensation of the cor pulmonale – 3.16 times compared with the control indicator, and the concentrations of active products of thiobarbituric acid increased respectively 2.1 and 7.3 times. The simulated pathology led to changes in cellular structural homeostasis, the growth of relative volumes of damaged endothelial cells and spermatogenic epitheliocytes, decrease the number of cells in the epithelio-spermatogenic layer, the tubulo-interstitial index. Correlation relationships between the severity of lipid peroxidation processes and structural changes in the investigated organ are revealed.Conclusions. Postresection arterial pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale lead to a significant remodeling of the structures of the testes, which is characterized by pronounced venous plethora, hypoxia, atrophic dystrophic, necrobitic, infiltrative, sclerotic psocesses and a pronounced increase in lipid peroxidation. The degree of disorders of lipoperoxylation in simulated pathology correlates with the severity of changes in structural homeostasis, relative volumes of damaged endothelial cells, spermatogenic epitheliocytes, the number of cells of the epithelio-spermatogenic layer, tubulo-interstitial index.

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