Philosophy for children in Saudi Arabia and its impact on non-cognitive skills

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Teacher-student dialogue plays a central role in facilitating the ongoing growth of those engaged in education, particularly dialogue that invites student reflection on the instruction being given and the teacher herself. Dialogue should aid students in ... see more

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The benefits of implementing the methodology of Philosophy for/with Children are clear. Nevertheless, an excessive emphasis on critical thinking skills weakness its application in groups at risk of social exclusion. These groups require a profound transf... see more

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For Lipman, Dewey's influence translates into a certain conception of and relationship between democracy, citizenship and education. The present work, however, does not focus so much on Lipman’s deweyan base -which has been fruitfully explored-, as in th... see more

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Philosophy and literature are linked by strong ties that are evident in both disciplines: there are numerous literary and philosophical works in which reciprocal influences can be traced. This philosophical experience with children started from a classic... see more

magda costa-carvalho,dina mendonça    

This paper argues that the various approaches within P4C (Philosophy for Children) should purposefully integrate the exploration of questioning instead of only presenting children with prepared questions as starting points for inquiry. This is particular... see more