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Erni Munastiwi, Bahbibi Rahmatullah, Marpuah    

When the world is busy with the COVID-19 virus outbreak, various sectors experienced a significant impact, especially in the education sector, which requires children to carry out learning activities from home. This study aims to determine the effect of ... see more

Rahmat Nur,Suardi .,Nursalam .,Hasnah Kanji    

This research aims to produce a model of strengthening character education in university. This study's substance problem is students' bad behavior, so it requires a more comprehensive model of supporting character education. The research used a mix-metho... see more

Faisal Sadam Murron, Kokom Komalasari    

This research is motivated by the lack of facilities for students to do moral action as part or the output of learning Citizenship Education in order to develop their moral intelligence, especially in schools. This study aimed to get information about th... see more

Majid Ariyoga,F.X. Rahyono    

As multimodal text, Internet memes encompassing verbal and visual elements have a significant function in producing meaning both independently and inherently. In addition, they are not only used to entertain the reader through humorous messages, but also... see more

Didin Komarudin,Adnan Adnan,Asrizal A. Upe    

This research is formulated: How is the effect of technological development on student morality? What are the positive and negative impacts of technological development for students? What can strengthen student solidarity? The purpose of this study is to... see more