Planning Law and Accessibility: Third Party Permit Appeals by Persons with Disabilities

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Benhard Kurniawan Pasaribu    

Changes in spatial use arise as a result of changes in the balance between the number of inhabitants and the available land area. The population continues to increase from time to time, while the available land area never increases. The Economic Of Law A... see more

Revista: The Juris

Luh Putu Yeyen Karista Putri    

Job Creation Law, which was re-enacted in 2023, amended 78 Acts in Indonesia simultaneously, including the Spatial Planning Act. The law requires all local authorities to enact detailed plan (RDTR) supplemented with zoning regulation. The statutory appro... see more

Agus Tri Widodo,Agus Riwanto 10.20884/1.jdh.2023.23.2.3289    

After the Constitutional Court Decision Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 which mandates amendments to Law Number 11 of 2020 on Job Creation, it has consequences for the government to make improvements to the said law within a period of two years from the issuanc... see more

  M Jeffri Arlinandes Chandra,Febrian Febrian,Bayu Dwi Anggono    

Indonesia is a state of law that relies on a rule of law formed as a basic rule in the state and society. The law as the primary basis must be made following the principles of the Formation of good law so that it is expected that later it can be applied ... see more

Khadijeh Shoja’eiyan,Kurosh Ostowar Sangari,Ruhollah Rahimi,Fariborz Saremi Noori    

AbstractConstructions in the village limits is within the jurisdiction of the rural municipalities according to paragraph 11 of article 78 of the law on the formations, duties and elections of the country’s Islamic city councils; outside the city limits ... see more