Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Laba, Leverage, Profitabiilitas, Likuiditas Terhadap Kebijakan Dividen


Dividend policy is a measure of the stability of a company's stock management by determining the proportion of dividends that balances the growth of the company  and the welfare of investors. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of earnings growth, leverage,profitability,liquidity on dividend policy. This study uses data on the financial reports of manufacturing.companies in the food and beverage subsector from 2019-2022. In this study, the sample was selected using purposive sampling techniques and criteria  to obtain 48 data from 14 companies. The.method used in this study consists of several linear regression techniques to analyze the relationship between  independent  and  dependent variables. The results of this study show that the  variable earnings growth has a significant negative impact on the dividend policy, the  variable leverage (DER) has no effect on the dividend policy, and the  variable profitability (NPM) has a significant negative impact on the dividend policy has been shown to have a significant positive impact on Impact on dividend policy and  liquidity variable (CR) has no effect on dividend.policy The level of a company's ability to pay dividends is an investment signal for investors. Therefore, companies need to maintain their ability to generate profits and manage leverage. Failure to manage this will have a negative impact on the company itself, reducing its ability to pay dividends. Investors  also need to be more careful, such as observing company signals, before investing in a  company.

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