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Ida Ketut Kusumawijaya, Partiwi Dwi Astuti    

This study aims to examine the mediating role of human capital on the effect of entrepreneurial education and individual value on entrepreneurial intention. This research was conducted on students majoring in business at a university in Bali with a popul... see more

Ronel Kotze,Karl Hofmeyr    

AbstractPurpose: Society’s expectations of business are said to be increasing, with business expected to play an influential role from a triple bottom line perspective. Shared value creation is a new, emerging theme in the literature on corporate social ... see more

Mochamad Mochtar,Abdul Rachmad Budiono,Iwan Permadi,Siti Hamidah    

Determining the Price Limit Value at the Parate Auction for Execution of Collateral Goods Bound to Mortgage, departs from the issues discussed, namely how the parate reconstruction of mortgage execution and the role of the parties in determining the limi... see more

Ines Alifah    

Internalization of togetherness values needs to be integrated through community education activities, so that the young generation has social skills in face of differences opinion in the Indonesia society diversities. The path of home schooling education... see more

Annisa Vira Widesma,M. Fachri Adnan    

The purpose of this study was to find out the Role of Local Wisdom Values in the application of the Development of Nagari Kamang Mudiak, Agam Regency. The role of the community and institutions in nagari development is not only limited to benefit owners,... see more