The relation between the Methods of Management with organizational tendency of The Education Office managers


Statistics of the research encircles all the managers of the secondary high schools in the fifth section of Tehran Teaching and Education center. Since the total number of persons in research was (72 persons), the statistic society was done according to statistical symbol. The data, with the use of two questionnaires, according to the symbol of Bardenz and Metzcas (1974) and the questionnaire of Mowday (1998), Steers and Porter (1987), then the organizational obligation was collected. The coefficient of Alpha cronbakh of this questionnaires were collected were 78.5 and 0.78. In order to analyze the data the covalence of Pierson and the independent   t test of the free groups was used. The research showed that, there is not a meaningful relation between the symbols of relation and duty circle of the secondary high school managers with their organization tendency in the Education Office of the fifth section of Tehran.

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