Knowledge Management dan Peran Strategic Partner SDM: Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perencanaan Strategik dan Kinerja Organisasi (Studi pada Rumah Sakit di Bali)


The purpose of this study is to examine, test, and evaluate the influence of the knowledge management and the role of human resources (HR) as a strategic partner in the strategic planning and organizational performance. The study conducted in government Hospital and the private sector in the region of Bali Province, with the respondent is the head of the hospital in upper and middle levels. At each hospital is given three respondents representing organizations and the unit of analysis is the organization. The data collected directly from respondents using research instruments. Techniques of analysis used partial least square (PLS). The result prove the knowledge management and the role of HR as a strategic partner to improve the accuracy of strategic planning, and strategic planning can improve organizational performance. Knowledge management is also shown to increase the role of HR as strategic partner. Knowledge management does not directly effect the performance of organization, but it proved that the strategic planning mediate the influence of knowledge management on organizational performance. This suggest that knowledge management is not a direct determinant of organizational performance, but its existence becomes an important input of the strategic planning process in an effort to improve organizational performance. The role of HR as a strategic partner also not directly affect the performance of organization, and strategic planning proved to mediate the role of perfect pair strategic HR relationship with organizational performance. This illustrates that the involvement of HR executive as a strategic partner is not direct determinant of organizational performance, but the strategic role of a source of organizational capabilities to conduct strategic planning, in an effort to improve organizational performance. Based on these results, it means that strategic planning is based on the knowledge management and HR role as a strategic partner can be a strategic capabilities, are valuable, rare, inimitable and non substitutable. These capabilities can become the core competencies of the organizations to improve or enhance the performance, which is a source of competitive advantage of the organization in a changing business environment rapidly.

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