Home  /  Slavia Meridionalis  /  Núm: Vol10 Par: 0 (2010)  /  Article

Dzieje i pochodzenie zapozyczen slownictwa z zakresu zycia spolecznego w Serbii i Czarnogórze do poczatku XX wieku


History and origin of language borrowings in social vocabulary of Serbia and Montenegro to the beginnings of 20th centuryThe article presents the main sources of language borrowings which developed the Serbian vocabulary within the scope of broadly defined social relationships and encompasses the period of time from the main sources of language borrowings till the beginnings of the 20th century. First of all the form of addressing family leaders and the most important family structures, the form of addressing of political, military and church leaders, the nomenclature of social layers’ members, officers as well as administration units have been included in the social vocabulary. Except the example of ways such borrowings were included into the Serbian language the article also presents history and politics background and socio-cultural conditioning in which the contacts and inter-language meetings took place. Some medieval borrowings from roman languages (Latin, Dalmatian dialects, and then Romanian) and Greek-Byzantine, and Turkish have been presented. We have tried to describe a wide stream of Turkish influence (with limited Italian and Albanian influence. Later periods were characterized by: German, Hungarian, Russian and later French. The work constitutes sort of supplement to the article of P. Ivic (Domaci i strani elementi u terminologi?i društvenog, ekonomskog i pravnog života u srednjovekovno? Srbi?i as well as Razvo? terminologi?e u ?eziku srednjovekovnikh Srba) which describes the influence of examined lexemes on social lexis, the ways of their adaptation and geography in the Serbian language area including especially history as well as socio-political background.

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