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„Czemu Cie nie ma na odleglosc reki”. Listy – zdarzenia literackie Adama Ziemianina


The article deals with Adam Ziemianin’s epistolary poetry (bringing both the subject of letters and imitating their formal qualities), which is discussed as a collection of literary events. Such an interpretation draws attention to the performativity of this writing, that is, its causative function, which results in the actualization of the text through the reader’s personal experience. Therefore, the interpretation here takes into account not only Ziemianin’s poems, but also their popularity as songs performed by the group Stare Dobre Malzenstwo. The most important conclusion presented in this paper focuses on the paradoxes of epistolary poetry: the evocation of both presence and absence, synchrony and asynchrony, combining private with public, as well as merging the literary dimension with real existence. Most of these paradoxes are motivated by the desire to rescue love and overcome death, as indicated by the symbolism of the letter and the well – serving as life-giving mediators.

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