Home  /  Byzantion Nea Hellás  /  Núm: 17 Par: 0 (1998)  /  Article

Política y poética en Solón: la Dike


The author states that in the modero world is hardly practised what ancient Greeks called JUSTICE (t.Í«'t}). Solon's poetry is the excuse to approach - from a literary and historie perspective - the existing counterpoint between JUSTICE and ABUSE. In this case, the !heme of JUSTICE is pivotal in the whole Hellenic paideia until the end of the classical period.The oldest antecedents are investigated: the Homeric poems, as well as Hesiod's works, mainly the ERGA ... ; they are authors who thought justice to be not only the key of life in the polis (city), but also the dividing linebetween barbarism and civilization. The author, in order to get to So!on'spoetic and politic thought, examines Aristotel's CONSTITUTION OF ATHENS, facing that information against Plutarc's PARALLEL UVES. This is done to show the social and politic context of the injustice predominant in Athens in the VI century B.C., from which his character of legislator-politician talking as a poet emerges. About that, the author thinks in Solon' s thought - for the first time in History -there is a reflection which consciounsly proposes the difference between the word in poetic function and in "denotative" function. lt is the first structuralist reflection about poetic language.The author examines and translates the main fragments preserved by the sources. 1t is shown the poet' s great utopía: there can be justice againstabuse and usury. Justice can arrive late, but it does arrive, giving properpunishments to the unjust ones. As a conclusion, the author states thatwhoever walks without justice, walks to his own funeral.

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