Athanasius’ First Exile


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Olga Tabachnikova    

This paper attempts to look at Dovlatov in a broad context – starting with a personal case of Dovlatov the emigrant, it aims to arrive at a more general portrait of a Soviet Russophone writer in exile and to uncover common features inherent in the outloo... see more

Gordana Ilic Markovic    

That a writer should change the language in which he writes, or that he or she should write from the start in a non-native language, is an increasingly common phenomenon. Economic migrations in the latter half of the 20th century, intensified in the 1990... see more

David Keuning    

Immediately after the Second World War, the opposites of right and wrong strongly influenced the view of what happened in the architectural profession during the German occupation. In order to understand the reception of architecture and National Sociali... see more

Revista: Bulletin KNOB

Jon L. Berquist    

Until recently, most formulations of ancient Israel's history within the biblical time-frame separated the time-line into four broad segments: pre-monarchic (also called patriarchal), monarchic, exilic, and postexilic. This outline allowed the construct... see more