Articles related

Robert Schon , Michael L. Galaty    

The modern practice of archaeological surveyregional, intensive, diachronic, and interdisciplinaryis well-suited to the study of frontiers. In this paper we provide the example of the Shala Valley Project, which studies the northern Albanian mountain val... see more

Klemens Kaps    

This article addresses the question of to what degree the concept of geoculture can be brought in line with research on Orientalist stereotypes and imaginary. Following Said’s original definition of orientalism discourses of the 18th-century political ec... see more

Irene Baldriga    

Il contributo illustra la situazione dell’insegnamento della storia dell’arte nel contesto della scuola del XXI secolo, mettendo a fuoco le principali riforme e i fenomeni – nazionali e globali - che hanno contribuito a modificarne il posizionamento nel ... see more

C. Gascuel-Odoux,O. Fovet,G. Gruau,L. Ruiz,P. Merot    

Catchment studies on water quality started in the 1960s, when scientists identified long-term environmental impacts and realized the complexity involved in environmental degradation and recovery. Since scientists need to understand biogeochemical and hyd... see more

Lygia Ferreira Rocco    

Studies on the Middle Ages are most often analyzed from the his­tory of Christianity, in which Islam is considered a separate area of inquiry. The research developed by Islamic archeology raises new questions for the analysis of this period from a histor... see more