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Hari Din Nugraha,Deny Poniman Kosasih,Kasda Kasda,Syaeful Malik,R.A. Vesitara Kencanasari,Ahmad Satibi,Rian Oktariana Firmansyah,Noor Rian Fitriyanto    

The Open Educational Resource (OER) is a source of digital learning materials that can be accessed, used, and distributed by everyone and is copyright licensed. This study aims to conduct a systematic library review in investigating the impact of Open Ed... see more

Revista: Invotec

Lisiê Melo Martins,Lúcia de Araújo Ramos Martins    

Resumen:Ante los principios de diversidad e inclusión de todas las personas al derecho a la educación, este estudio pretende promover una reflexión sobre los hitos históricos y políticos que discuten la efectividad de la inclusión educativa de las person... see more

Debela Tezera    

The purpose of this study is to examine the current educational practices from multicultural perspective in secondary schools of Eastern Wollega Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. To realize this, survey method was adopted to collect data from 5 experts, 10 princip... see more

Ada Czerwonogora,Virginia Rodés    

The paper presents the findings from PRAXIS, an educational action research project developed within academic professional learning communities (PLC) in the context of public higher education in Uruguay. As a strategy towards fostering teaching innovatio... see more

Revista: Open Praxis

Janani Ganapathi    

Education is a fundamental human right, yet one fifth of the world’s population lives with poor literacy. India is home to the largest number of illiterate people, with infrastructural, cultural, and socio-economic factors hindering equitable access to q... see more