Seven year overview (2007—2013) of ethical transgressions by registered healthcare professionals in South Africa


AbstractA move has taken place internationally in the delivery and “consumption” of health care where if clients and patients (health care consumers) hold the opinion that the health care professionals/providers' behaviour has had a negative effect, impact or outcome on them, they may lodge a complaint with the relevant health professional regulatory body. Ethical transgressions of health care providers can generally be clustered into the following three categories: a) Competence and conduct with clients (e.g. abandonment, sexual intimacies, dishonesty, disclosure of information); b) Business practices (e.g. billing, reports, documentation); and c) Professional practice (e.g. referral upon termination, obtaining appropriate potential employment opportunities, nonprofessional relationships).The primary objective of this study was to analyse the ethical transgressions of registered members of the twelve professional boards in the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) in the period 2007 to 2013. A mixed methods approach was followed in this study which specifically focused on a historical research approach. The results indicate that the boards with the highest number of transgressions per the registered practitioners were firstly the Medical and Dental practitioners, closely followed by the Optometry and Dispensing Opticians Board. The predominantly complaint made against members of both these boards was for fraudulent conduct (collectively totalling to 85% of all fraudulent cases during the period) and included actions such as charging for non-rendered services, issuing false statements and submitting fraudulent medical aid claims. Cognisance needs to be taken that the South African public will increasingly demand better services and that since they are being better informed via the media of their rights and have access to a broader database of knowledge (rightly or wrongly so the internet) practitioners' opinions will not necessarily be accepted outright and that they (the public) will challenge it accordingly. This raises the concern that practitioners need to take on the responsibility to communicate with their patients/clients in order to educate them and keep them informed. 

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Caracterización de las lesiones no palpables de la mama Caracterización de las lesiones no palpables de la mamaIntroducción: La detección de lesiones neoplásicas de la mama cuando aún no han llegado a hacerse palpables, representan un importante avance en el manejo y pronóstico del cáncer de mama. Objetivo: Caracterizar las lesiones no palpables de la mama en pacientes atendidas en el Hospital General Docente “Dr. Enrique Cabrera”. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo en pacientes femeninas con lesiones no palpables de mama desde febrero de 2009 a febrero de 2014 en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Enrique Cabrera”. La muestra fue de 65 pacientes, se clasificó según Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS). Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, hallazgos mamográficos y anatomopatológicos. Se calculó la asociación a la malignidad mediante el Riesgo Relativo (RR) y el Odd Ratio (OR) con un intervalo de confianza (IC) de 95%. Resultados: Se encontraron 18 (27,7%) lesiones malignas y 47 (72,3%) lesiones benignas. El mayor número de casos (52,3%) se registró en el grupo de 50-64 años. Se observaron 25 imágenes nodulares, 31 microcalcificaciones, asociación de ambos 7 y 2 distorsiones del patrón mamario. Los nódulos mostraron mayor asociación al cáncer de mama (36%), seguido por las microcalcificaciones (25,8%), predominó el carcinoma ductal 72,2%. Conclusiones: El carcinoma de origen ductal fue predominante en nuestro estudio, además de demostrar que el riesgo decáncer en la categoría BIRAD 5 fuecuatro veces mayor que en las categorías BIRADS 3 y 4.Palabras clave: Lesiones no palpables de la mama, BIRADS, lesiones mamográficas, hallazgos anatomopatológicos, lesiones benignas, lesiones malignas, carcinoma ductal.ABSTRACTIntroduction: A great advance in management and prognostic of breast cancer is the early detection represented by non-palpable breast lesions. Objective: Characterize the non-palpable breast lesions in the Service of General Surgery at the Enrique Cabrera Hospital from February of 2009 to February of 2014. Material and Methods: It was carried out an observational, descriptive and prospective study. The sample constituted by 65female patients who had non-palpable breast lesions and classified according to Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System1993. The studied variables were: age, mammographic and anatomicopathological findings. To sum up, percent and absolute frequencies were used for statistical analysis and Chi-Square of Pearson test with significance of 0,05. The malignant incidence was calculates according to Relative risk (RR) and Odd Ratio (OR) with confidence interval (IC) 95%. Results: There were 1366 patients under screening, 65 of them had non-palpable breast lesions, 18 (27, 7%) malignant lesions and 47 (72, 3%) benign lesions. A major illness was found within 50 - 64 year old group. Twenty five nodules were found tightly associated with breast cancer (36%), 31 micro calcifications, both association seven and two patients with distortion of mammary structure. The ductal carcinoma was the most frequent neoplasm (72, 2%). Conclusions: Screen is a safety option for early diagnostic of non-palpable breast lesions.Key words: Non-palpable breast lesions, Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BIRADS), Mammographic lesions, malignant lesions, benign lesions, anatomicopathological findings, ductal carcinoma.

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