Rock-art research at Sertão Alagoano: the Cosmezinho site (CZ).


In the year of 2008, Zanettini Archeologia in interaction with IPHAN-AL began a process of identifying, recording and evaluating of rock-art sites in the backlands of Alagoas, proposing strategies devoted to monitoring, conservationand to the qualified public use of these cultural resources of the region.This work led to the diagnostic program of the rock-art sites in the city of Pão de Açúcar, assessing their conservation status and proposing ways of qualified use of these sites. In addition to the diagnoses made from the assessments on these sites, the data collected within this program have provided a rich documentation for further research, focusing primarily on systematic recording of sites and rock-art panels. These sites in the backlands of Alagoas bear a striking art, branding and this area with quality, formal and thematic variety, and techniques used in the construction of the panels. The aim of this work is to describe the methods and analyzes performed on the site of non-figurative paintings, the Cosmezinho site.

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