Impact Of The Organizational Climate On Company Productivity


A few decades ago, the human resources of organizations were not considered with the accumulation of capabilities that today represent, the machines automated repetitive processes and displaced the human resource to other areas, which today are the brain of the operations of the company. As a result, human beings have gained importance, and most companies consider it the most important resource. Still, the personnel in the organizational system interacts with other resources and is immersed in an environment. Hence, they impact it, and the companies make a great effort to maintain the work environment in levels of trust and respect, not to demotivate and unfavor the performance of the collaborators and thus affect the productivity directly related to the efficiency of its human resource. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of optimal conditions for them, being necessary for the quality of the work environment. Furthermore, connecting the individual interests of each employee with the company is vital to achieving high productivity rates.

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