The degree to which teachers of outstanding students in the Republic of Yemen possess digital teaching skills from their point of view


      The study aimed to identify the degree to which teachers of Gifted students in the Republic of Yemen for digital teaching skills from their point of view. The study sample consisted of (72) male and female teachers, the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of (37) skills distributed over three areas (planning for digital teaching, implementing teaching digitally, evaluating digital teaching), The results of the study showed the following: - The degree to which teachers of Gifted students for digital teaching skills from their point of view was moderately.- There are no statistically significant differences in the degree to which teachers of Gifted students for digital teaching skills from their point of view due to the variable of specialization (human-scientific)

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Evaluación de impacto del programa educativo para los instructores educativos en la prevención de adicciones / Evaluation of the impact of the educational Program for educational instructors in prevention of addictions Evaluación de impacto del programa educativo para los instructores educativos en la prevención de adicciones / Evaluation of the impact of the educational Program for educational instructors in prevention of addictions El presente trabajo es uno de los resultados que se derivaron de la investigación para alcanzar el Grado Científico de Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas y su objetivo es revelar las derivaciones que produce la aplicación del programa educativo para el desempeño pedagógico de los instructores educativos en la prevención de las adicciones, mediante la evaluación de impacto. Para esto se realizó una observación minuciosa y detallada al desempeño pedagógico de los instructores educativos a partir de la aplicación de métodos como la prueba de desempeño, la encuesta y la sistematización, que tuvo como resultados la vinculación de la teoría con la práctica de los contenidos del programa educativo, que permitieron el intercambio de experiencias, la necesaria actualización para aprender, así como la elaboración de medios y materiales. El programa educativo fue de gran acogida y trascendió los niveles de aceptación al transformar los modos de actuación de los instructores y la sensibilización de los estudiantes acerca de la responsabilidad que, como médico, deben tener para promover la salud en los pacientes y las habilidades previstas en el modelo de profesional de la carrera de Medicina. El colectivo de profesores que trabajaron en el programa educativo con los instructores educativos, estuvieron identificados con la necesidad del cambio y brindaron su aporte, diseñaron las técnicas que favorecieron el aprendizaje, lo cual reveló lo novedoso del tema, combinó la creatividad de los docentes y las potencialidades de los instructores educativos.Palabras clave: programa educativo; prevención; adicciones; técnicas de estudio.ABSTRACT The present work is one of the results that were derived from the research to reach the Scientific Degree of Doctor at Pedagogical Sciences and its objective is; reveal the results produced by the application of the educational program for the pedagogical performance of educational instructors in the prevention of addictions, through the impact assessment. For this, a detailed and detailed observation was made of the pedagogical performance of the educational instructors based on the application of methods such as the performance test, the survey and the systematization, which resulted in the linking of the theory-practice of the contents of the educational program, which allowed the exchange of experiences, the necessary update to learn, as well as the development of media and materials. The educational program was very well received and transcended the levels of acceptance, by transforming the modes of action of the instructors and the sensitization of the students about the responsibility that as a doctor, they must have to promote health in patients, skills provided in the Professional model of the medical career. The group of teachers who worked in the educational program with the educational instructors, were identified with the need for change and provided their input, designed techniques that favored learning, which revealed the novelty of the topic, combined the creativity of teachers and students. Potential of educational instructors.Keywords: educational program, prevention, addictions, study techniques

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