The implementation of non-formal education programs implemented by non-formal educational institutions must have supporting factors and obstacles, it will affect the process of implementing non-formal education programs. The purpose of this study will reveal what factors affect the process of implementing non-formal education. This research approach is qualitative research with descriptive methods. This was chosen because it is in accordance with the purpose of the study, which is to reveal in detail what factors affect the process of non-formal education in Rumah BUMN Samarinda. Data collection techniques use Interview Techniques by digging data to sources or informants, namely Rumah BUMN Samarinda Managers, Tutors or Educators in Rumah BUMN Samarinda, and Learning Residents. Data analysis uses Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Conclusion Withdrawal. The results of the study proved that the factors that affect the implementation of non-formal education programs in Rumah BUMN Samainda are the Availability of Educators or Tutors of BUMN Samarinda, the Interest of MSMEs in Rumah BUMN Samarinda, as well as facilities provided by the managers of Rumah BUMN Samarinda to support the learning process.

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