The Linguistic Diversity of Mountain Jews in Azerbaijan. The Judeo–Tat Language in the Regional Linguistic Context


The Linguistic Diversity of Mountain Jews in Azerbaijan. The Judeo–Tat  Language in the Regional Linguistic ContextMountain Jews are one of the many ethnic groups that currently inhabit Azerbaijan. The largest centres of this community are the cities of Baku and Oghuz (formerly Vartashen) and the village of Krasnaya Sloboda in Quba District. The uniqueness of the Jewish community in the Caucasus lies primarily in the specificity of its culture, traditions and customs, which for many years were influenced by close contacts with other ethnic groups living in the Caucasus. Despite belonging to the same ethnic group with its own language (the Judeo–Tat language), Mountain Jews in Azerbaijan communicate in different languages. This article aims to show the linguistic diversity among Mountain Jews in Azerbaijan. Additionally, it presents the roles and significance of the Judeo–Tat language compared to those of other languages in the region.Róznorodnosc jezykowa Zydów Górskich w Azerbejdzanie. Jezyk judeo-tacki w regionalnym kontekscie jezykowym Artykul ukazuje specyfike zróznicowania jezykowego wsród Zydów Górskich na terytorium Azerbejdzanu. Dodatkowo praca zwraca uwage na problematyke samego jezyka tej spolecznosci – jezyka judeo-tackiego nazywanego przez spolecznosc zydowska jezykiem Dzuchuri. Oba te aspekty sa wazne z punktu widzenia charakterystyki diaspory zydowskiej na terytorium Kaukazu. Celem artykulu jest zwrócenie uwagi na potrzebe badan nad zagadnieniem oraz opisanie problematyki niebedacej wczesniej przedmiotem badan.

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