Creativity of Chingiz Aitmatov and in the System of World Literature


There are names that personify their people, their country, as if they merged into the consciousness of people together, and are inseparable from each other: Navoi of the Turkic-speaking peoples, Pushkin Russia, Shakespeare England, Goethe Germany, the Kazakh land - Abai, Kyrgyzstan - Chingiz Aitmatov. The historical roots of the Turkic peoples developed from one soil, and in the era of the Great Silk Road, the culture of the Turkic peoples began to be identified. Since ancient times, our peoples have been linked through the Great Silk Road, enriched science and culture, and exchanged experiences. The development of friendly relations between peoples on the Great Silk Road is relevant both from the point of view of the revival of historical ties and in the light of the tasks of the modern world. In this regard, the work of Chingiz Aitmatov is of particular interest, whose work represents not only Kyrgyz literature, but also serves to identify all Turkic-language literature in the system of world literature.

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