Katilim Bankaciliginda Kredilerin Yapilandirilmasi: Metal Borsasi Perspektifinden Bir Inceleme / Credit Restructuring in Participation Banking: An Examination from Perspective of Metal Exchange


AbstractCredits have become the most important asset item in the participation banking which has been going on to growth in Turkey. Credits have reached level of TL 106 billion at the end of 2017 whereas it was level of TL 41 billion at the end of 2011. Shares of credits in total assets have occurred as 66.6% at the end of 2017 whereas 7it was as 73.2% at the end of 2010. On the other hand, increases in nonperforming credits have been seen with the credits’ growth. Net nonperforming credits have reached level of TL 992 million at the end of 2017 whereas it was level of TL 430 million at the end of 2011. Therefore, it is important that credits are restructured before follow-up stage.This study is prepared to examine credit restructuring in participation banking which have reached to an important amount. In the study, restructuring of credits in participation banking is examined in view of metal exchange. It has been defined that credit restructuring transactions are carried out at high level in participation banking; London Metal Exchange (LME) is used for these transactions; transaction volume at billion TL is occurred abroad; commission at million USD is paid to abroad. As a result of the study, establishment of a metal market, which has LME standards and characteristics, in Borsa Istanbul (BIST) is recommended. With the realization of the recommendation, credit restructuring process of participation banks will be shortened, the transaction volume at billion TL paid abroad will be attracted to the domestic market, commissions at million USD be kept in the domestic market, financial markets will be diversified, hence contribution will be provided to participation banking and Turkish Banking Sector.ÖzTürkiye’de büyümesi devam eden katilim bankaciliginda krediler en önemli varlik kalemi haline gelmistir. 2011 sonunda 41 milyar TL seviyesinde olan krediler 2017 yilsonunda 106 milyar TL seviyesine ulasmistir. Katilim bankaciliginda kredilerin aktif toplam içindeki payi 2011 yilinda %73,2 seviyesindeyken 2017 yilsonunda %66,6 olarak gerçeklesmistir. Diger taraftan kredilerin artisi ile birlikte takipteki kredilerde artis görülmektedir. 2011 yilsonunda 430 milyon TL seviyesinde olan net takipteki krediler 2017 yilsonunda 992 milyon TL seviyesine ulasmistir. Dolayisi ile kredilerin takip asamasina gelmeden yapilandirilmasi önem tasimaktadir.Bu çalisma katilim bankaciliginda önemli tutarlara ulasan kredi yapilandirma faaliyetlerinin incelenmesine yönelik hazirlanmistir. Çalismada katilim bankaciliginda kredilerin yapilandirilmasi metal borsasi perspektifinden incelenmistir. Katilim bankaciliginda yüksek tutarda kredi yapilandirma islemlerinin yapildigi, bu islemlerde Londra Metal Borsasi’nin (LMB) kullanildigi, milyar TL seviyesinde islem hacminin yurtdisinda gerçeklestigi ve milyon dolar seviyesinde komisyonun yurt disina ödendigi belirlenmistir. Çalisma sonucunda Borsa Istanbul (BIST) bünyesinde LMB standartlarina ve özelliklerine sahip bir metal piyasasi kurulmasi önerilmistir. Bu önerinin hayata geçmesi ile birlikte katilim bankalarinin kredi yapilandirma süreçleri kisalacak, yurtdisinda gerçeklestirilen milyar TL’lik islem hacmi yurtiçine çekilecek, yurtdisina ödenen milyon dolarlik araci komisyonlari yurt içinde kalacak, finansal piyasalar çesitlendirilecek, dolayisiyla katilim bankaciligina ve Türk Bankacilik Sektörüne katki saglanacaktir.

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