8. Sinif Ögrencilerinin Dogal Afet ve Afet Egitimi Kavramini Anlama Düzeyleri / The Understanding Levels on Natural Disasters and Disasters Education Concepts for 8th Grade Students Students


AbstractNatural disaster is defined as suddenly developing natural or human phenomena that harm human life and natural order. Many natural disasters have occurred in Turkey throughout history, resulting in serious loss of life and property. Although people can not prevent natural disasters, however, they can take various measures to reduce the damages. In order to reduce the indemnities caused by natural disasters, Turkey has taken many precautionary measures especially after 1999 Marmara earthquake. These steps are mostly focused on the formation of disasters, ways to prevent disasters, and legal regulations. This research was conducted to determine the level of understanding of the concept of disaster and disaster education by 8th grade students of middle school. The study sample consists of 8th grade students from Dört Eylül middle school of Simav district, Kütahya province. The research was carried out with 28 middle school students during academic year of 2014-2015. A semi-structured questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions, developed by researchers, was applied as data collection tool. The data of the study were analyzed using qualitative research techniques. Results show that students’ first perception about the word disaster is earthquake disaster, tsunami disaster. Therefore, environmental conditions of an area are found affecting the perception. Besides, variable of gender is also not found affecting the results. However, increase in income level and educational level of parents result difference in answers. ÖzAni gelisen veya ortaya çiktiginda kötü sonuçlari olan dogal ve beserî olaylar, insan yasantisina ve dogal düzene zarar vermekte ve bu durum dogal afet olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Tarih boyunca Türkiye’de pek çok dogal afet meydana gelmis ve bunlarin sonucunda ciddi can ve mal kayiplari yasanmistir. Insanlar dogal afetlerin olusumunu engelleyememelerine ragmen, bunlarin zararlarinin azaltilmasina yönelik çesitli önlemler alabilirler. Dogal afetlerin meydana getirecegi zararlari azaltmak için ülkemizde özellikle 1999 Marmara depreminden sonra çalismalara hiz verilmistir. Bu çalismalar daha çok afetlerin olusumu, afetlerden korunma yollari ve yasal düzenlemeler üzerine odaklanmistir. Bu arastirma, 8. sinif ögrencilerinin afet ve afet egitimi kavrami hakkindaki anlama düzeylerini tespit etmek amaciyla gerçeklestirilmistir. Çalisma grubunu Kütahya Ili, Simav ilçesi Dört Eylül Ortaokulu 8. Sinif ögrencileri olusturmaktadir. Arastirma, 2014-2015 egitim-ögretim yilinda 8. Sinifta okuyan 28 ortaokul ögrencisi ile yapilmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak, arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen açik uçlu sorulardan olusan yari yapilandirilmis anket uygulanmistir. Çalismanin verileri nitel arastirma teknikleri kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Çalismanin sonucuna göre; ögrencilerin afet deyince ilk olarak deprem afetine, enaz tsunami afetine yer verildigi bulgulardan anlasilmistir. Dolayisiyla çevre sartlari sonucu etkilemistir. Genel olarak bakildiginda cinsiyet degiskeni sonucu etkilememistir. Fakat ailenin gelir durumu ve ailenin egitim durumu arttikça afet egitimi cevaplarinda farklilik vardir.

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