Initial teacher education and teaching of spelling: Required knowledge


It would be inconsistent to state that the initial education of teachers can encompass all the knowledge needed for their future practice because they work in contexts fraught with unpredictability. Notwithstanding, teacher education programs must provide students with the theoretical framework needed for their professional practice. As regards the teaching of Portuguese, several studies emphasize the importance of programs addressing discursive aspects of language, its variation, and its role in human interaction, among other aspects. In this sense, this study is based on the following research question: Do future teachers, 4th-year students of a teacher education program, have the required knowledge of the spelling system to be able to explain it? This research, of a qualitative nature, aims at reflecting on initial education of teachers with regard to spelling knowledge and teaching of spelling. Data were collected by means of interviews, dictation of infrequent words, and intentional misspelling activities. The theoretical basis for data analysis and discussion follows the Representational Redescription model established by Karmiloff-Smith (1986) as well as studies carried out by Massini-Cagliari and Cagliari (2001) and Morais (2009). This article presents only the data collected through interviews. Preliminary results indicate that the education of teachers for the first years of elementary school should be reassessed in order to include content capable of promoting analysis of and reflection on the Portuguese language in its curriculum.Keywords: Teacher education. Teaching of spelling. Explanation of rules.ReferencesARAÚJO, Pâmela Renata Machado. O nível de representação do conhecimento ortográfico de professores dos anos iniciais. 2012. 99f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Pelotas – Pelotas, 2012.BOGDAN, Robert; BIKLEN, Sari. 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